Všechny kategorie > Diskuse o sportu trail-o > Trail orienteering in English > Trail orienteering league/cup/serie
Celkem příspěvků: 1 - Stránek (1): [1]
Autor: Bohous
Vloženo: 07. říj. 2007 - 08:00
Předmět: Trail orienteering league/cup/serie
What word is the best for serie of competition?
What is the sense of trail orienteering league? Maybe some ranking system would be also fine for judging who is better in our country.
How many competitions per year are enough for the word "cup"?
How many stable competitors are enough for cup/ranking?
Any comments to: http://www.trailo.cz/uploads/media/poradi2007podletrinejvysledku.xls
Celkem příspěvků: 1 - Stránek (1): [1]