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Celkem příspěvků: 1 - Stránek (1): [1]
Autor: pavela
Vloženo: 18. čen. 2010 - 09:39
Předmět: Zajímavý návod na řešení
Jasminka mi poslala klíč k řešení 14. kontroly 2. závodu v Zagrebu. Je to složité, posuďte sami. V příloze je její skica řešení. Přiznávám, že na takovéto problémy asi už nemám.

I'm sending some sketches along with this e-mail to help explaining.
The task was to find whether any flag is placed in between the monument and the reflector. Closest part of the monument was evident but reflector ends were equaly distant from that point. Therefore, flag was supposed to be on the line between the edge of the monument and center of the reflector (box).
Flag B evidently was out of way since it was for N (novice) category. Flags D and E were for A category and were between paved area and refelector (special symbol). Flags A and B were on paved area and therefore only eligible flags for E category (between reflector and monument). Flag C is easily discarded (check attached sketch) since it lies on the line connecting southern edges of both objects.
Flag A (shown in the sketch) is more difficult to ascertain. Lines here are not so obvious and discriminating enough.
The main thing that lacks is symmetry which should be there if you're watching the flag from either side of the monument to other object. Symmetry should be there if the flag was between these two objects. Some problems here were created by flag D which was approximatelly on the line connecting two objects but clearly closer to reflector.
One other thing that was useful here is pavement. It was possible to see blocks of paved rocks and count them.
If carefully counted it shows there's no flag in the place of exact half of the distance between the objects.
I must point out that neither flag (esspecially A and C) were between the reflector and monument. They were both, looking from distinct edge/corner of the monument to both left and right of the reflector (edges) for at least half a meter (at half of the distance).
Celkem příspěvků: 1 - Stránek (1): [1]